Traveling with Pets by Air: What You Need to Know

When it comes to traveling with your pet by air, there are a few things you need to know. In the state of Florida, all dogs and cats aged four months and older must have a rabies vaccine approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Additionally, most airlines require a health certificate for animals, which is normally issued within 10 days of the trip. It's important to make sure your pet's vaccines are up to date and that they're not fighting any diseases that could be worsened by heat or stress.

The USDA requires that your pet be at least eight weeks old and fully weaned before traveling. Airlines will not transport animals that are violent, sick or have physical problems. On airlines that allow pets to travel, only small dogs and cats that can fit in special carriers under the seat can travel in the cabin. Their owners must look after them during any stopover. Some airlines may not allow them in the cabin and will transport them as cargo in a heated and ventilated warehouse.

Cats and dogs can travel and rest better this way, since it's quieter and darker, according to the International Air Transport Association. Finally, airlines are not required to transport live animals and reserve the right to refuse to transport an animal for any reason. Pets that are allowed to stick their heads out the window of moving vehicles can be injured by debris particles or get sick if cold air enters their lungs.

Ross Yetto
Ross Yetto

Certified bacon nerd. Amateur entrepreneur. Subtly charming zombie fan. Wannabe beer evangelist. Total social media evangelist.